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Ayurvedic Whey Protein Powder – Low Lactose Only 1.6%



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Custom Ayurvedic Whey Protein Powder has a Powerful & Effective Difference. It’s a unique whey protein blend with special Ayurvedic spices that deliver the right protein, minerals, enzymes & PH balancing factors to cells.*

Get the very best of both western-extracted whey proteins AND eastern Ayurvedic tradition with this ‘Sarva spice blend’ Ayurvedic Whey Protein powder.*

One kilogram (1kg). 3-4 weeks supply

Ayurvedic element resonance: Earth (Cellular Wellness) & Fire (Relationship Wellness)
Learn more about the 5 Ayurvedic elements & the 4 Pillars of Wellness

Low Lactose:

This Ayurvedic Whey Protein Formula only 1.6% Lactose whey protein  (86% less Lactose than standard whey) providing GREAT protein benefit at 1/5th Normal Lactose whey protein levels.

Resistant Starch & Blood Sugar:

Apart from the low lactose which reduces blood sugar ‘spiking’ that aggravates weight gain, new evidence has emerged supporting resistant starches can also play a major role in balancing blood sugar thus reducing fatty weight gain. Dietary-resistant starches can be gained from green bananas, cold roast potato, etc. Our resistant starch is a proprietary blend including our sarva blend spices further augmenting the efficiency of all benefits of this formulation.

Balancer of Cellular PH:

A high protein diet forces cells into an unhealthy acidic PH state. The body then burns up alkalizing minerals such as Calcium & Magnesium to help maintain PH neutrality. Over time this forces symptoms of cramping, dental issues & joint aches & pains.

Essential Amino Acids:

Updated research shows that Essential Amino Acids (EAA) are crucial to maximum benefit for your cells. The 9 EAAs present in this powder via Ayurvedic spices reduces the volume required per serve.

8 Basic Essentials a Whey Protein Formula should have:

– 1 – Whey from pasture-fed cows, NOT pesticide-treated & NOT whey from grain-fed cows

Compared to grain-fed cows, pasture-fed cows produce whey that contains an impressive amino acid and immuno-supportive nutrient profile and is rich in healthy fats – lipoic acid and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).

– 2 – GMO-free

Always look for and choose whey that is GMO-free.

– 3 – Cold processed to protect the nutrients in their natural state, NOT heat processed

The majority of whey is heat processed which makes the whey acidic and nutritionally deficient which damages the immuno-supportive micro-nutrients and amino acids making whey inadequate for consumption.

– 4 – Acid-free processing, NOT Acid/Ion Exchange Processing

The bottom line is that Acid/Ion Exchange processing is a less healthful, cheaper process than acid-free processing which denatures amino acid profiles by using acids and chemicals to separate the whey from the fats.

– 5 – Low in carbs, Sweetened naturally, NOT artificially

Many whey powders are artificially sweetened making them undesirable if you have sugar sensitivities, or you want to avoid putting synthetic sweeteners or flavors in your body. Many whey powders also tend not to be low in carbohydrates, contain sugar alcohols, glycerin, or gluten and some even use high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener.

– 6 – Maximum biological value, NOT compromised or damaged

Most whey proteins provide some benefit. But, due to the ingredients, their source of the whey, the concentration of beneficial nutrients, or the type of processing, many whey products simply don’t deliver what they promise. You want whey that retains its maximum biological value, contains all the key amino acids, co-factors, and beneficial micro-nutrients present and intact rather than compromised or damaged. Also, not lacking any amino acids or other essential nutrients.

– 7 – Easy to Digest, NOT Causing Digestive Stress

Many whey products contain long-chain fatty acids which are hard to digest and require bile acids to absorb.

– 8 – Free from Toxic Heavy Metals or at Such Low Levels NOT to be a Health Risk

Avoid protein powders (whey or non-whey) that contain dangerous levels of heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Any concentration of heavy metals consumed over time could lead to serious health consequences.

This Custom Ayurvedic Whey Protein Powder formula achieves all 8 basic essentials.*

Suggested Dose:

 In a blender mix:

For Adult Females: 1/4 metric cup of this whey protein powder.
For Adult Males: 1/3 metric cup of this whey protein powder.

Mix the appropriate amount above in 2 cups of water, juice, nut/rice milk. We strongly recommend adding 1/2 cup Kombucha Gold with crushed ice to taste. Take 1 x daily for 6 days per week.

Per serve: approximately 105 Cal/25gm per serve
(Equivalent: 20gm pure protein)

The Ayurvedic Whey Protein formula can be blended into a smoothie using frozen or fresh fruits with juices or nut milk. It also works very well as a frozen popsicle/icy pole or frozen dessert. For this reason, large batches can be made up, divided into portions, and kept frozen for several future servings.

You should consult your healthcare practitioner prior to using this product.

Caution: Contraindicated for infants, toddlers, pregnancy, those allergic to ingredients. 

Additional Directions: Store sealed, in a cool dry, dark place. Keep out of reach of children.


1 kilogram  (1000 grams) whey protein powder formula
Contents: Whey protein powder (derived from the milk of pesticide-free, pasture-fed, non-grain-fed cows with natural sweetening, non-heated & acid-free processing), Homeopathic Liver Enzymes, Proprietary Ayurvedic Spice blend, Proprietary Resistant Starches.
No artificial flavoring, coloring, or preservatives. Free from GMOs, gluten, eggs, yeast, sugar, and salt.
Contains dairy with 1.6% lactose.

This product is Naturopathically formulated by Glen F Rees BSc., N.D.
Glen has been practicing as a full-time Naturopath since 1986 in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.

If you have any questions regarding this product please email us 
or call Glen F Rees B.Sc., N.D. at our Clinic in Australia at +61 1300 742 583 B/H (Toll-free in Australia).

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (see 'TGA Disclaimer').

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