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B3 Regeneration Trilogy Complex: 3-5 weeks supply

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B3 Regeneration Trilogy Complex -
Evolving Mitochondria Dysfunction into Mitochondrial Biogenesis.

Regeneration is perhaps the Holy Grail of Natural Medicine in which ENERGY to do so is Key & with Energy generation heavily based on your own Mitochondrial activity. In fact, there are scores, hundreds & even thousands of Mitochondria in some high-energy organ cells such as Brain cells and Heart cells delivering over 90% of your available energy. 
Eg: Have you ever wondered just where those 5 yo kids get all their energy?
Each healthy 5-year-old child has 100% mitochondrial activity (this is where they get all-that-energy-from) and a 95-year-old has 95% damaged Mitochondria.

So to successfully approach effective Regeneration ENERGY is Key therefore we need to ensure cellular Mitochondrial well-being, then build new Mitochondria, unlocking new Energy whilst simultaneously re-building immune cell energy.
Have you ever heard of White Blood CELLS & many other types of immune cells as well?
For they too have Mitochondria.

Scientific Nutrient Research by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai:

In August 2023 eminent MIT Engineer Dr.Shiva produced a science Paper (see here), generated by his cutting-edge Research platform called Cytosolve (A digital platform to help design NEW potent NutraCeuticals from thousands of current scientific papers inc. Billions of calculations of Nutrient combinations) created by the eminent inventor of email Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai, cited Anthocyanins (Fruit/Veg food pigments) to treat the ill-effects of Aging via IMPROVING Mitochondria Dysfunction, Autophagy, Metabolic dysfunction, Senescence & oxidative stress.

Activated Black Current & Mitochondrial Biogenesis

Amongst the nine foods, cited in the above Paper, we believe RIFE PLASMA FIELD activated Black Current extract is THE MOST potent for MITOCHONDRIAL BIOGENESIS (NEW CELLS) with its active molecules being Rutin and Delphinidin in Black Current compounds as prime.  

Further, A relatively new compound found essential to Mitochondrial health is Urolithin A (U/A).

Whilst known as a POSTBIOTIC which means U/A is produced by healthy GUT bacteria fermentation and contrary to popular belief we have found U/A is best metabolised by the gut BifidoBacterium seen supplied herewith. So Rife Plasma activated Ribes Nigrum along with the supplied Probiotics may produce very high activity of UA thereby cleaning out the mitochondria in preparation for NEW MITOCHONDRIAL growth.

Radiation Damage & Radiation Protection:

Finally, Radiation is ALSO known to damage Mitochondria thus rebuilding new/damaged Mitochondria may act directly as a potent cellular Radiation protection measure as well.

Our Regeneration Trilogy Complex ticks 5 boxes:

  1. Vit B3 Derivative (N.R.) capsule for optimal production of NAD+ for Mitochondrial energy
  2. Gut microbiome Probiotic capsules. For delivery of Urolithin A to fuel Mitochondrial regrowth
  3. Ribes Nigrum caps to assist the Biogenesis of NEW Mitochondria
  4. Within the environment, 5G Radiation/Wi-Fi mitochondrial damage may be minimized through regeneration
  5. Immune cell Mitochondria may ALSO be energised thus heavily boosting immune cells.

Mitochondria Support Checklist

If you purchase 2 or more of this pack we will provide you with the following Mitochondrial:Diet booklet.

  • 10 lifestyle keys to help build & maintain your ongoing Mitochondrial health.
  • If you purchase 2 or more courses of the Regeneration complex we will supply YOU the following 3  pts below. 
  1. An effective list of over 20 foods to help fuel Mitochondrial energy for ongoing health. A tribute to the Blue Zone diet
  2. A list of these 20+ Mitochondrial Fooda as COMBOs to add tastiness & variety to Mitochondrial health
  3. A type of heretofore unknown 'Mitochondrial cookware' you can use to improve Mitochondria energy.

All the above helps provide VERY VERY POWERFUL Anti-Aging and Regeneration benefits.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (see 'TGA Disclaimer').

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