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Pomegranate Extract



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Rife-Plasma-Activated Pomegranate Extract

Pomegranate fruit use is older than in Biblical times. In fact, there are over 20 Bible references mentioned therein, from the use of the seeds (Arils), to the juice, to the peel, to the Pomegranate efficacy.

Studies suggest Pomegranate has broad Neuro-protective, Cardio-protective, Anti-inflammatory as well as broad Anti-parasitic (Anthelmintic) effects with regular use.

These Rife-Plasma-activated Pomegranate Extract capsules have been amplified to reveal Pomegranate use as a Hormonal tonic for male/female organ enhancement.

Research shows the action of Pomegranate:

  • Lowers Estrogen
  • Raises Testerone
  • Aids libido in females
  • Aids erectile issues in men
  • Releases Nitric Oxide (N.O.) improving blood flow & reducing Blood Pressure
  • Reduces Cholesterol over time via N.O. release
  • Anti-Parasitic
  • Neuro-protective
  • Cardio-protective
  • Anti-inflammatory

Ayurveda & Pomegranate:

Ayurveda is referred to as the 'Science of Life'.
Ayurveda is an ancient 6,000-year-old medicine of India that is based on the balance of 5 foundational Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Space) within bodily systems, using diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

This Rife-Plasma-activated form of Pomegranate Extract is a rare Ayurvedic Space element (5th element Akash - all-encompassing wellness) resonant remedy.


Males: 2 capsules after AM then PM meals.
Females: 1 capsule after AM then PM meals.


Use Beetroots & leafy greens to further aid N.O. release.


360mg x 84 all-natural cellulose vegetable capsules.
Contents: Rife-plasma-activated extract of Punica Granatum in vegetable capsules (cellulose & inert titanium oxide).
No artificial flavoring, coloring, or preservatives. Free from gluten, wheat, grains, dairy, lactose, eggs, yeast, nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, sulfites, mustard, salt, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, or any animal byproduct.

This product is Naturopathically formulated by Glen F Rees BSc., N.D.
Glen has been practicing as a full-time Naturopath since 1986 in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.

If you have any questions regarding this product please email us 
or call Glen F Rees B.Sc., N.D. at our Clinic in Australia at +61 1300 742 583 B/H (Toll-free in Australia).

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (see 'TGA Disclaimer').

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