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True (Medical Grade) Non-Ionic Colloidal Silver 100ml



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Non-Ionic (non-cumulative) Medical Grade Colloidal Silver:

A golden-coloured liquid of nanosilver particles that are FDA (USA) and TGA (Australia) listed @ 30 parts per million.  

100 ml bottle (3.4oz). 2 – 3 weeks supply.

An important broad-spectrum Antibiotic, Anti-fungal and nervous system tonic.

The key benefit of True (non-ionic) Colloidal Silver is that it does not allow bacteria to develop resistance. Unlike mainstream antibiotics, True Colloidal Silver prevents superbugs from developing whilst also attacking them after their development from previous ineffective treatments.

Facts about True Silver Colloid (Medical Grade Colloidal Silver):

  • ‘Colloid’ means particles dispersed or suspended in another substance (demineralised water in this case).
  • True Silver Colloid is non-toxic and harmless to good bacteria.
  • True Silver Colloid is NOT ionic, or silver salts that can be made at home (overexposure to silver salts can cause Argyria or Argyrosis, the blue colouring of the skin).
  • True Silver Colloid cannot be made at home.
  • True Silver Colloid can not turn your skin blue (Argyria or Argyrosis).
  • It has never been shown to conflict with medications.
  • True Silver Colloid is yellow/gold in colour.

The Ayurvedic Perspective:

Ayurveda is an ancient (6000-year-old) medicine of India which is based on the balance of 5 foundational elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Space) within bodily systems, using diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. The integrity of each Ayurvedic Element in YOU grants the integrity of your Wellness (or your Health & Well-being).

Ayurvedic Fire element

This Medical Grade Colloidal Silver remedy supports the Fire element which governs Relationship Wellness. It helps correct bio-electrical impulses that vitalise cells, conferring courage, passion & personal sovereignty in relationships both internally (the relationships within your body) & externally (the relationships you have with others).

Learn more about Ayurveda, the 5 elements & 4 Pillars of Wellness >


Suggested Dose:

Adult Dose: 5 ml (1 teaspoon) twice daily after a.m. & p.m. meals.
Sensitive/Children Dose: 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoon) after a.m. & p.m. meals.
You should consult your healthcare practitioner prior to using this product.
If you have any questions regarding this product please contact us or call our Clinic on +61 1300 742 583 B/H for qualified advice.

Additional Directions: Store in a cool dark place out of direct sunlight. Do not freeze. Keep out of reach of children.


100 ml (3.4 oz)
Contents: Medical Grade non-ionic Colloidal Silver  – Demineralised water, true colloidal silver particles that are FDA (USA) and TGA (Australia) listed @ 30 parts per million which is some 30 times larger than actual Nanoparticles.
No artificial flavouring, colouring or preservatives. Free from gluten, wheat, grains, dairy, lactose, eggs, nuts, yeast and salt.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (see 'TGA Disclaimer').

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