This product is a unique Rife Plasma Activated form of non-ionic (medical grade) Colloidal Silver.
As well as an anti-fungal, Colloidal Silver in this Rife Activated form may act as an excellent nervous-system tonic alleviating some common nervous system-related conditions especially pertaining to Mental Stress.*
The following potential benefits may be found:
We believe the healing mechanism for the action of this Silver Lining Tonic works by effectively balancing either a 'fast-paced' or 'slow-paced' nervous system which is influenced by the birth/prebirth maternal womb or in-utero environ-mental factors that the nervous system is formed in, affecting the PACE of neuronal innervation as the fetus forms. This tonic may help to resolve the ill-effects of any trauma that occurred during that development period. This tonic may also significantly ease any possible Yeast or Fungal overgrowth into the Central Nervous system which can add/trigger nervous stress.
The key benefit of True (non-ionic) Colloidal Silver is that it does not allow bacteria to develop resistance.
Unlike mainstream antibiotics, True Colloidal Silver prevents superbugs from developing whilst also attacking them after their development from previous ineffective treatments.
Important benefits:
(Medical grade non-ionic colloidal silver)
Adult Dose: 5ml (1sp) 2 x daily after am & pm meals.
Sensitive/Children Dose: 2.5ml (1/2 tsp) 2 x daily after am & pm meals.
Contra-indicated for acute illness.
Long-term Stability: Normally, 1-2 courses along with our custom Ayurvedic Whey Protein powder will help confer long-term stability.
100mL filled bottle.
Contents: Rife Plasma field Activated non-ionic (medical-grade) Colloidal Silver @ 30 ppm in Demineralised water. Tasteless.
No artificial flavoring, coloring, or preservatives. Free from gluten, wheat, grains, dairy, lactose, eggs, nuts, yeast, and salt. Vegan friendly.
The select Rife Plasma frequency protocol activation of this product is Naturopathically formulated by Glen F Rees BSc., N.D. Glen has been practicing as a full-time Naturopath since 1986 in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.
If you have any questions regarding this product please email us
or call Glen F Rees B.Sc., N.D. at our Clinic in Australia at +61 1300 742 583 B/H (Toll-free in Australia).
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (see 'TGA Disclaimer').
True (Medical Grade) Non-Ionic Colloidal Silver 100ml
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